“I was born intelligent, but education ruined me”
For years it was just another satirical quote on our public education system which I hardly notice and understood. But, believe me its shadow conceals something deep for which a person needs to uncover the layer of pseudo-intelligentsia from his eyes.
Creativity plays a major role in sharpening the behavior and shaping the future characteristic of a child. Fortunately, we all are born creative. Unfortunately, the refinement process which we undergo in later stages of life kills the basic notion of being creative.
All around the world the public education system is much or more the same; it’s livid and morbid designed only to make us a human machine. Quite amazingly we spend two forth of our life learning how to be perfect and in the process we forget the basic definition of being perfect. Idiotically, our mind is alluded to became captive of the notion that mistakes would result in failures which would subsequently end our life.
How ironic is that? Ask any scientist about the number of failures he met in his career and the answer will astonish even the hardest human being. Creativity might lead to mistakes which may further bring on failures but failures are the only door to invention and discoveries. You cannot find a new way to your home unless you look for alternatives. Following the same path will only lead to same results.
We had a great legacy of Gurukul system of education in our country where students enrolled were being mould according to individual creativity. It never emphasized on creating junks of students who are good for nothing. Unfortunately, in a mad race to out-due our western counterparts we got the system changed and now like rest of the world we too are following a global system of public education, made only to create a new class of clerks in post- industrialization era.
“Success comes from bad experiences and a bad experience comes from failures.”
Today, I felt being deluded when the teacher coordinator rejected a minor project report of not only mine but the whole class citing reasons that were hypothetical. We were asked to look unto her words as axiom and follow the century old regime. Her remarks were quite naïve and pungent when she ordered us to reallocate the font size and modulate the content of the report. It was a serious blow on the creativity of students.
Those one hour.. Part 2: I'm still in search for an effusive creative spark.
Image Source: Google
Hi Rachit,
ReplyDeleteThat is really true. Schools stifle individuality. Pink Floyd showed about this torture in their legendary video "The wall".
Conformity is a desired trait everywhere in the world. However if someone has to make a mark, he will have to think different and creative. Ordinary cannot work out for long.
Great post.
Rachit, it is correct. Our education system does not give any importance to creativity. It is seen as a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteWell...here in our country the agonies of the students are not understood by the teachers n the parents as well, so their confusions remains with in them selves... resulting in they do not think creatively but start thinking according to their syllabi taught in their classes.... now this child becomes an adult and starts contributing towards the society...
ReplyDeleteand naturally his frustrations, ego, mental inhibitions and reservations(earned in the school) reflect upon his actions n behavior....
therefore my dear friend the teacher who did so with you people is nothing but the result of the system that we have.....:(
The bottleneck is why don't teachers shed their egos and starts listening to young ideas of students?
ReplyDeleteIf this starts happening, i tell you, there will be a great positive change in our country...!
Ashvini, Harish, Ifranuddin : Thanks all for liking the post and commenting over here. :) Look at the sorry state of Indian education system where an engineer is forced to study a syllabus which hasn't been reviewed and edited for 10 to 15 years as of now. :(
ReplyDeleteRajvir: do you think teachers of colleges like ours will do any earnest attempt in that field of bringing new ideas to the forefront? Thanks bro for commenting over here:) and really you have an informative educationist blog. :)
ReplyDeleteExplore is the message that you send...awesome and creative post! :D :D Nice new look of your blog :)
Yeah, education system must change where students should be given chances to become creative rather than considering everyone same! But do you think, in future if provided will every student make use of it??? among 100's one might be creative right??? Do you think for them whole education system will be changed??? I feel it's all about individual thoughts to be creative.. There are few who love to be creative and others still love the same spoon feeding stuff isn't it?? To which extent it will be practical???
ReplyDeleteWe should think about considering Creativity in Educational System...
Tanvi: It's good to see you here back again; many other posts are craving in for your attention too. And, thanks for liking the new look. :)
ReplyDeletePriya: Yeah, I understand the seriousness of points you want to bring on but then change is the law of nature and someday sooner or later it will have to come. Keep coming back ::)
Nikita: Lovely to see you here and thanks for your comment. Keep coming back :)
interesting debate and a good blog..will keep visiting..best wishes boss:)
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. It is a fact that our education system is not helping us to 'refine' our creativity or grow our inner laying talents.
ReplyDeleteBut there is another perspective to it. In a country like India where logistics and opportunities are lesser compared to the needs of heavy population, every one has to be competitive to 'reach somewhere'. These education systems behave like a filter based on 'some talents' may NOT be the talents of everyone.
In my state (Kerala) they have introduced a much better education system (DPEP) almost 10 years ago, which actually helps build extra curricular activities as a part of curriculum. One disadvantages of it (I personally feel) is that if a student has zero talent in drawing/writing poems (for example) his intern marks tend to decline.
The major draw back of our edu sys is the 'heavy syllabus'. Here in USA the syllabus is too lighter that students turn dumps..:) What we have achieved with the our heavy syllabus is that 'our 8th std students have more knowledge than a graduate in US or Eu'. But the load actually makes 'learning' a nightmare too!
So there is pros and cons in everything..:)
I feel our edu system should lie in the middle point of the line, not in any of the extremes.
Ramesh: It will be a pleasure to see a senior blogger and an editor visiting my blog. And, please review my blog; I want you to bring out my mistakes, the areas which needs improvement and anything which you feel like is missing here to the forefront. Thanks for following my blog :)
ReplyDeleteNIshana: Thanks for commenting over here and letting us know about the global education system. But, don't you think with present education system we are creating engineers, doctors, managers, etc who can just follow orders and can't do anything of their own? The last census showed that around 70% of Indians are literate. Yet the harder picture that lay behind is that not even 60% of them can do anything more than just writing their name.
ReplyDeleteSo, aren't we producing bunch of robots, designed specifically to follow orders? Also, it might happen that in country like USA or EU majority of people might be dumbest than most of Indians. Yet, they are taught the lesson how to live life early in their childhood which makes them far ahead of us.
Absolutely true. Our education failed in teaching the 'actual purpose' of it to the students, rather it created a wrong impression that being a engineer/doc/IAS..etc are the best things to do in one's life.. This is because education system itself has became a 'money making' business- it no more obliged to create good citizens either.
ReplyDeleteYet, they are taught the lesson how to live life early in their childhood which makes them far ahead of us.
I think that's early independence is merely their culture. The country is having enough money, really vast landscape and comparatively very less population. This 'MONEY' bank make them excel in the world and nothing else. Many of the intelligent brains of India eventually end up here, because this country give them money and wealth.
In india, if every one decides to go for work, earn money and study independent of parents, that is never gonna happen because (a) it is not a part of our culture- we love being homely and depending family for everything (b) our country do NOT have that much job opportunities or money to support it either.
The saddest part of early 'independence' is that, the parents-children relationships are never as warmer and closer as we see in India..:)
Like I mentioned: There a pros and cons too..!
Nishana: Well, I can never dream of living my parents whatsoever may be the gains. And, this is I haven't been taught in modern education system but something I inherited being a Indian, more of we Indians inherited from Vedas. So its the Vedic knowledge which makes us different from rest of the world even after thousand years of their ruin.
ReplyDeleteEven, I would leave this country for sometime and will work for some MNC's offering me more money which I could ever imagine here working in India.
The central theme of this post is not changing our education system once and all but incorporating the goods of other worlds. And, our history clearly shows how good we are in that.
A huge bitter truth. Movies like 3 idiots are made to open eyes but they merely get implemented. 'success ke liye nahi excellence ke liye padho' was forgotten the next day and students were back to cramming... Things would change when we- the students themselves are willing to change the system.
ReplyDeleteNice post on the perils of rote education in classrooms. We have to begin to break down and unlearn rules and dogmas and look at everything in wonder and a wholly new perspective:)
ReplyDeleteDeepika: Definitely, we must be the change that we want to bring in. Keep coming back :)
ReplyDeleteSajeev: Welcome to Weakest Link; Thanks for commenting over here. You have a lovely blog. Keep coming back. Will love to see you more often here. :)
Wonderful post. True in all aspects!!
ReplyDeleteU hit the Bulls eye.. its still debatable, our educational system where students r forced rather than lead. This are the times i feel we do need to break the rules,its not just abt scoring marks, its more proving once true identity than following others.
ReplyDeleteVyankatesh: Thanks for coming back and commenting over here :) Hope to see you much more :)
ReplyDeleteDevil: Welcome to Weakest Link and thanks for landing up such an honest comment.Keep coming back, Weakest Link awaits you :)
You need failures to grow, and mistakes to learn. A good post.
ReplyDeleteA very nice post ... Cannot agree with u more..
ReplyDeleteNew to ur space and Happy to follow u..
Do visit me a stime permits..
no wonder.. u r good too :)
ReplyDeleteso u r a student into engineering?
ReplyDeleteSaumya: Yeah, totally agree with :) Keep coming back :)
ReplyDeleteArif: Welcome to weakest link and Thanks for following my blog..:) You have a very delicious yummy blog. :D Keep coming back :)
Suhasini : Welcome to Weakest link and thanks for landing up a comment here :) Keep coming back :) Yeah, I'm an engineering student, r u also one? Hope to see you much around .
talking about professors at times i feel they did their phd and kept logic locked in their mother-in-laws place..
ReplyDeletegood read...
thanks buddy:) if i feel any suggestion is needed i d definitely put it forward...as of now..yr blog is going gr8 boss..
ReplyDeleteIt is a valid point that you make. The biggest problem with our education system is that creativity is stifled and rote is encouraged.
ReplyDeleteit is really ironic how creativity is slaughtered these days...just because few people do not want to come out of their shells.....i too have been a victim,and many a times!!
ReplyDeleteSaumya: Welcome to weakest link.. hope to see you more here :)
ReplyDeleteRachna: yeah, I completely agree with you.
Hi Rachit...finally I can comment :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Agree with you on all aspects.
What a sad topic... You choice of topic capture my attention. Brilliant thinker you are. Good job!
ReplyDeleteRachna: You are always Welcome Ma'am. It's always soothing to see comments from someone of your stature. Its an honor and pleasure that you like and agreed with my post. :)
ReplyDeletenice post!
ReplyDeleteyes, i agree most of the teachers go for presentation like fonts etc rather than content for discussing content will spill all beans ;D
AS: Thanks for commenting over here, keep coming back :) Visit my another blog news not making news, hope you will like it to :)
ReplyDeletewoaaa...u have some following:P...loved reading through ur post..and I quite agree with u..I wonder if we can even blame our teachers, u knw, they too have been brought up in ways which were in fact inclusive of corporal punishment!..I have spent quite some time thinking what could be the best ways in which a child could learn. for instance, as far as Delhi goes, new kinda schools are coming up where the focus is in honing a child's creativity and talent than making him follow the herd..but I wonder how good these institutions are..
ReplyDeleteand yeah..here's one link I would like to share from my second blog:) read it weneva u find some time:)
Aakriti: Sure, I will check out the link :) anD KEEP COMING BACK, every blogger will profoundly welcome and wish a follower like you :)